Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Children's Miracle Network Hospitals Champions

Champions is a Children's Miracle Network Hospitals program that brings attention to the important work being done at its 170 children’s hospitals. It does this by honoring 51 remarkable kids who have faced severe medical challenges, and helping them tell their stories.

The Champions program designates a child in every state who has bravely battled a serious injury or illness. The Champions represent the nearly 17 million children treated at Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals every year. The 2011 Champions have dealt with a wide variety of injuries and illnesses including genetic diseases, organ transplants and traumas, as well as various types of cancer.

The Champions travel for a week in October, first to Washington, D.C., where they traditionally meet with their state senators on Capitol Hill, and the President of the United States during a visit to the White House. They then take a private chartered flight, provided by Delta Air Lines, to Orlando, Fla. There, champions meet Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals sponsors, hospital representatives and media partners who all convene to celebrate a year of medical miracles during the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Celebration event at Walt Disney World Resort.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Juliana's Story

Age 8

Children’s Hospital & Medical Center

Brittle Bone Disease

What started as a normal Sunday afternoon changed Juliana’s life forever.

Following a fairly standard playground accident, Juliana’s parents took her to Children’s Hospital & Medical Center as a precaution. Careful examination of X-rays showed that Juliana had a spinal fracture, which could not have been caused by the playground incident. Doctors diagnosed Juliana with mild osteogenesis imperfecta, a rare disease that causes bone breaks easily and for no apparent reason.

Juliana, now 8 years old, receives preventive care treatments that strengthen her bones and stop her spinal fractures. Juliana handles these treatments with maturity beyond her years. She also celebrates every treatment with a victory lap around the room.

Juliana has to be a little more careful than most kids her age, but she doesn’t let this stop her from reaching out to others in need. Her friendly attitude is a delight to those around her, and it has helped her reach out to other children being treated with the same disease.